MMP & Healing Field Join For Memorial Day
This Memorial Day our good friends at the Miller Motorsports Park will host the SBK World Super Bike race. It will be the only race held in the western hemisphere of this prestigious event. The race is only behind the Le Mans series and GT Moto as the third most followed motorized racing event in the world. It is expected to draw over 130 million viewers worldwide.
The final race has typically been held on a Sunday and has taken on a European look even when it travels to the US. This year it will have a distinct American look as the race becomes what is expected to become the singular most patriotic and family oriented event in the state of Utah on Memorial Day. The organizers have collaborated with community leaders to craft a three pronged appeal.
First, it will be a party and state gathering place Friday the 28th. A procession will take place from the Utah State Capitol Building to the Gateway area of Salt Lake City. The streets will be blocked off to anything but motorcycle traffic a la Sturgis Bike Rally. Saturday the party will move to the track in Tooele for a concert on Saturday night (Styx, Kansas, Journey).
Second, on Sunday and Monday it will shift to the race as the major focus. The preliminary races on Sunday and finals on Monday.
Third, there will be exhibits put on by Hill Air Force Base and the National Guard, Marines, Navy and Army Reserve to honor Memorial Day. The focal point of the Memorial Day displays will be the Healing Field Tribute Flag Display (2010 US Flags on 8 foot poles scattered strategically throughout the park).
In an effort to make this a statewide event, the Healing Field foundation and Miller Motorsports Park presented displays and answered questions at the Utah League of Cities and Towns midyear convention in St George, Utah. Over 500 mayors and city council members form every city in Utah were able to learn of the event and were invited to join the procession and rally so that it truly becomes a “Utah “ tradition.
David Lewis, a super bike rider in the Miller Challenge portion of the race is a Utah native and joined the convention with two of his super bikes. Mayors were able to sit on a super bike and get their photos taken against a back drop of Healing Field flags similar to what they would experience on race day.

David Lewis on his Superbike in St. George, Utah.
While this is being held in Utah, it is the main international super bike event each year in the United States. It is expected that 45,000 will attend the actual race, with 10 million domestic viewers and 120 million international viewers tuned in.
Check out the details at and