Thank you for spreading the Colonial Flag Foundation Story
We spend a great deal of time and effort promoting Colonial Flag Foundation’s flag display programs, but we find that Healing Field® and Field of Honor® events are the most effective way to spread the word. Folks who have experienced our flag displays understand the inspiring impression they make on those who visit Healing Field® and Field of Honor® events. Local committee members and those who have seen Colonial Flag Foundation programs work can easily visualize how they can be successful in different locations.
Walking amid thousands of U.S. flags posted in Naperville’s Rotary Hill, Rudy Keller was inspired and 2013 U.S. flags flew the next year in neighboring Aurora, Illinois.
Larry Zink moved from Murrieta, California where the local Rotary Club has hosted highly sucessful Field of Honor® flag displays for the past five years. Arriving in Cody, he brought the Field of Honor® concept with him and Wyoming’s first Field of Honor® display was posted a couple of years ago where it has become an annual event. This not only brought an inspiring display for the Cody community but raised funds for the Cody Heritage Museum, more funds in its first year in fact than had been raised by other fundraisers in the previous two years combined.
Both Naperville’s Healing Field® display and Cody’s Field of Honor® flag displays inspired Carla Klopfenstein who brought a Field of Honor® to Sheridan, Wyoming with 1,000 flags on the lawns of Sheridan College.
Having visited a Healing Field® flag display in New York state some seven years earlier, Dan Simons never forgot the experience, and in 2013 he brought a Field of Honor® event to Baltimore where the Hubbard Funeral Home joined forces with the Charlestown Retirement Community which is part of the Erickson Living network. Seeing the success of the Catonsville event, Erickson’s Cedar Crest facility in Pompton Plains will host its own Field of Honor® display this year in Morris County, New Jersey.
Texas City’s Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol posts flags each year honoring the lives lost to alcohol related automobile accidents. Finding that their Healing Field® displays have been so successful, Rusty Cockrell called the Colonial Flag Foundation’s office offering to tell other organizations how effective the displays have been in raising awareness for the victims of drunk drivers. Would it be all right, he asked, if he gave a presentation for a gathering of organizations at a meeting he would be attending? Of course we gratefully approved that request.
The truth is that Colonial Flag Foundation’s flag display programs would not have spread from coast to coast and from boarder to boarder without the exceptional examples our host communities have provided. It is gratifying to share the wonderful experiences reported back to us, but we are also indebted to events and people who represent us so well. The Colonial Flag Foundation owes its success to so many.
Please continue to help us spread the word. Thank you.

A few of the thousands of flags displayed at Aurora West High School’s campus for the communities Healing Field® flag display.