St. Ann’s Student Learn From Their Field of Honor® Flag Display

Students from St. Ann’s Academy brave the cold to add to funds raised by their Field of Honor® event.
by John M. Hartvigsen
St. Ann’s School student furthered their giving tradition, which this year stretches back from Christmas to their Field of Honor® flag display for Veterans Day. The annual display goes beyond recognizing and honoring those who served in the Armed Forces by providing the means of help and support for local veterans
While November 11th serves as the holiday for their traditional display of U.S. flags, students began their work and planning for the school’s 9th Annual Field of Honor® event soon after completing their 8th display in 2018. Posting 400 flags requires planning and effort as students, parents and faculty members worked together to bring the display to the Hornell community.
In addition to drawing area residents together for a memorable and inspiring experience, the Field of Honor® flag display raised money bringing help to the Bath VA Medical Center and thirty of its residents. Students not only took part in hosting the display and raising funds, but 4th and 5th graders went shopping to buy kitchen items for the VA Center, to choose a couple of presents for each of the 30 veterans living at the Center and to present the Center with a $300 dollar check to be shared among the veterans.
The title shown above announces that St. Ann’s students learn from their Field of Honor® involvement, and their experiences enhances classroom learning. Students learn on many levels encountered personally through their participation:
- Gratitude for the service and sacrifice given by our Armed Forces and Veterans
- Respect for the United States and our National Flag
- Love for our nation and appreciation of our national history
- Fulfillment found in service to others
- Working in committees
- Organizing fundraising and finances for the event
- Laying out the pattern for posting the flags
- Ordering, receiving, assembling, posting, distributing and storing hundred of flags
- Identifying benefiting charities
Now with proceeds from Hormell’s 9th annual Field of Honor® in hand, students went shopping and headed over to the Bath VA Center to make the presentation.
No matter how well funded, schools all around the country make fundraising part of their programs. Not wanting to disparage any student fundraising efforts, we realize that selling greeting cards, chocolate bars or cookie dough may successfully raise money for schools. However, the range of learning experienced by St. Ann’s Academy student added more value to the money raised for their charity.
Colonial Flag Foundation salutes St. Ann’s Academy and its students. Our team eagerly looks forward to Hormell’s 10th Field of Honor display as the Academy competes a decade of service to the community and local charities.